law enforcement
FBI wants to infiltrate vegan potlucks
Posted Wed, 05/21/2008 - 17:09 by bartleyCarroll would be compensated for his efforts, but only if his involvement yielded an arrest. No exact dollar figure was offered.
Poker sting
Posted Tue, 04/08/2008 - 18:07 by mlaldridWhat a sensationalist spectacle:
Investigators have amassed 191 warrants against 65 people tied to a well-heeled Lowcountry gambling circuit that counted a Charleston police officer, a veteran prosecutor, a local schoolteacher and others among its members, authorities said.
The photo above shows suspects surrendering as they are served their arrest warrants by ninja deputies outside the county jail.
The Wire's War on the Drug War
Posted Thu, 03/06/2008 - 17:57 by bartleyThe Wire's writers on the War on Drugs:
Our leaders? There aren't any politicians — Democrat or Republican — willing to speak truth on this. Instead, politicians compete to prove themselves more draconian than thou, to embrace America's most profound and enduring policy failure.
"A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right," wrote Thomas Paine when he called for civil disobedience against monarchy — the flawed national policy of his day. In a similar spirit, we offer a small idea that is, perhaps, no small idea. It will not solve the drug problem, nor will it heal all civic wounds. It does not yet address questions of how the resources spent warring with our poor over drug use might be better spent on treatment or education or job training, or anything else that might begin to restore those places in America where the only economic engine remaining is the illegal drug economy. It doesn't resolve the myriad complexities that a retreat from war to sanity will require. All it does is open a range of intricate, paradoxical issues. But this is what we can do — and what we will do.
If asked to serve on a jury deliberating a violation of state or federal drug laws, we will vote to acquit, regardless of the evidence presented. Save for a prosecution in which acts of violence or intended violence are alleged, we will — to borrow Justice Harry Blackmun's manifesto against the death penalty — no longer tinker with the machinery of the drug war. No longer can we collaborate with a government that uses nonviolent drug offenses to fill prisons with its poorest, most damaged and most desperate citizens.
Land of the free
Posted Thu, 02/28/2008 - 22:41 by bartleySkunky pot cave to become stinky cheese cave
Posted Sun, 12/09/2007 - 12:12 by mlaldridProceeds from the sale of the cave will go to the 15th Judicial District Drug Task Force, which confiscated the property after Strunk's illegal enterprise was shut down.
"We'll use the money to fund our undercover work," said Mike "Sarge" Thompson of the drug- fighting unit.
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Double-edged sword
Posted Fri, 11/30/2007 - 13:08 by mlaldridA couple from Fort Collins is threatening to file a lawsuit if police don't return their marijuana plants that they seized during a raid alive. Police say there's no way they'll return them.
A judge ruled Monday that the 39 marijuana plants were seized illegally more than 15 months ago. But Wednesday, the Fort Collins city attorney filed a motion asking the judge to reconsider, so returning the pot is now on hold.
The police spokeswoman said the plants are in evidence and they're dead, but the couple's attorney said police are required to keep the plants alive.
According to some ridiculous method the government uses to calculate the value of pot plants, those 39 seized and destroyed plants are worth more than $100,000. Money doesn't grow on trees, it grows on...
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Portrait of the Modern Terrorist as an Idiot
Posted Thu, 06/14/2007 - 15:08 by bartleyTerrorism is a real threat, and one that needs to be addressed by appropriate means. But allowing ourselves to be terrorized by wannabe terrorists and unrealistic plots -- and worse, allowing our essential freedoms to be lost by using them as an excuse -- is wrong.
Following one of these abortive terror misadventures, the administration invariably jumps on the news to trumpet whatever ineffective "security" measure they're trying to push, whether it be national ID cards, wholesale National Security Agency eavesdropping or massive data mining. Never mind that in all these cases, what caught the bad guys was old-fashioned police work -- the kind of thing you'd see in decades-old spy movies.
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New trial granted for Julie Amero
Posted Wed, 06/06/2007 - 17:39 by mlaldridJulie Amero, the substitute teacher convicted earlier this year in the infamous classroom porn popup case, has been granted a new trial after numerous sentencing hearing delays. It is said that, since the prosecution did not object to the retrial motion, she likely will not face further prosecution.
What a huge fuckup this has been by Connecticut state attorneys and her school district, but now Amero's situation finally seems to be heading in a less tragic direction.
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DST mixup lands 15yo boy in jail for bomb threat
Posted Tue, 04/17/2007 - 14:59 by mlaldridA 15-year-old boy was arrested for calling in a bomb threat to his school and locked up for 12 days before some genius realized that their caller ID system had not correctly adjusted for the early daylight saving time. On his initial questioning by school officials:
Webb gave an insight into the school's impressive investigative techniques, saying that he was ushered in to see the principal, Kathy Charlton. She asked him what his phone number was, and , according to Webb, when he replied 'she started waving her hands in the air and saying “we got him, we got him.”'
'They just started flipping out, saying I made a bomb threat to the school,' he told local television station KDKA. After he protested his innocence, Webb says that the principal said: 'Well, why should we believe you? You're a criminal. Criminals lie all the time.'
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