
Poker sting

What a sensationalist spectacle:

Investigators have amassed 191 warrants against 65 people tied to a well-heeled Lowcountry gambling circuit that counted a Charleston police officer, a veteran prosecutor, a local schoolteacher and others among its members, authorities said.

The photo above shows suspects surrendering as they are served their arrest warrants by ninja deputies outside the county jail.

Ninja Warrior

I've really been digging Ninja Warrior since bartley mentioned that it started airing on G4 recently. (It's much better than that MXC shit. In fact, there's really no comparison.) The guy in the above video was, I believe, one of the first people to actually complete the entire course. If you have 9 minutes, you should watch the whole thing. It will blow your fucking mind.

Also, this gives me just cause to link to a good ol' fashioned wtf japanese video. That's Nakayama Kinnikun, a supposedly famous TV comic. He's also pretty good at finishing stage 1 of Ninja Warrior, but nothing after that.

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